Friday, November 29, 2013

Anime Review: Kaminomi Megami Hen 神のみぞ知る世界 女神へん

Before I start, I want to let you know that I'm a biggest fan of this series but I'll try not to be so biased in my review.

 This actually isn't a "third season" in the series because there is a huge gap between megami hen and 2nd season. I HIGHLY suggest reading the manga in order to have a deeper understanding of the anime.


Basically, the new hell, which is currently capturing escaped souls(kaketama) have a few rebel groups who are trying to bring back the "Old hell" which is bad because it will affect the humans badly too. The only things that could stop them are the 6 Jupiter Goddesses.

 Vulcanus, Apollo, Diana, Mineruba, Marth, Merculius

Diana is in Tenri already and Apollo happened to be in Kanon butttt

Kanon and Apollo gets stabbed. Of course they are not gonna die but Keima has to find rest of the Goddesses before it becomes too late.

One sign is that the 4 Goddesses are in one of Keima heriones. Another thing is that they are going to remember Keima during the love process.

 One on the very left is Keima himself,

from left to right, top to bottom,

Tenri         Tsukiyo          Kusunoki                    Rieko         

Ayumi        Shiori                                              Sumire

Chihiro      Yui              Akari     Nagase             Nanaka

Kanon      Mio              Minami                      Hinoki

So here is a huge difference between the manga readers and the anime viewers.

The anime viewers don't even know who half of these people are. That is exactly why i suggest you reading the manga.

Through the process of elimination, he got to the guess that out of these 5, 4 is going to have a goddess in them.

Here is another difference, in the manga, keima actually went around to few of the heriones and checked himself. In the anime it shows that Keima just guesses.

So the search begins....

Things to point out/opinions

During Megami Hen, Haqua is heavily involved compared to Elsea where she actually has to take place of Kanon.(Disguised)

 As you can see, she looks like Elsea normally but to other people, she looks like Kanon.

Even if you don't know anything about Yui and Tsukiyo, they are briefly mentioned in the anime for people who have no idea who they are.

Yup, that is Tsukiyo right there. You  can barely see her lol

One thing I especially noticed was that the music in the anime was so well used.
In dramatic scenes, music seemed to fit in just perfectly.

The Overall

The story line was amazing and compared to the manga, the pacing was pretty good too. It felt like it wasn't packed.

And of course, majority of my favorite heriones are in the 6 Goddesses so that was amazing for me too.

Even though there were some things they left out in the anime but it did not affect the overall storyline.

Grade: A

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Anime Review: Moshidora もしドラ

I haven't done an anime review in a very long time, in fact I'm still busy because of high school applications.

The original title of this anime is "If a high school girl baseball manager reads Drucker's 'Management'". もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら.
This anime was originally a bestseller novel in Japan in 2010. It was so popular, it was made into a movie as well starring Atsuko Maeda from AKB48(well not anymore)

 Original cover of the bestseller novel.

The story basically tells about a high school girl,Minami, who manages a high school baseball team that sucks ass in an evolutionary way and leads the team to the championships.

She is in fact taking place of a friend, Yuki, who is very sick in the hospital who used to be the manager of the baseball team until she got into the hospital.

Minami, of course is a close friend of Yuki and she promises Yuki to take the high school baseball team to the championships.

My opinion
Throughout the anime, the whole team as well as Minami grows stronger mentally. 
You definitely don't have to understand baseball too much but having some knowledge in baseball will help you understand the story better.

 The majority of the episodes tell about how something like business managing and economical terms can apply to baseball. I found them very intriguing how such unrelated things can be used in ways people never expected.

 If I had a choice of reading a the novel version compared to the anime, I wouldn't pick the anime over the book. The anime seemed to be very dragging on a little bit and maybe at the end, it got more intense. If you wanted a fast paced kind of thing, it really wouldn't be suitable for you.

Even though this book was one of the most selling books of 2010 in Japan, it had horrific numbers in animes. Less than 500 copies were sold which is just miserable.

The cast was great and I'm sure the company tried pretty hard for a good anime but the sales weren't really showing it.

I was very surprised when I heard about the sales.
I would definitely recommend to people who are interested in seeing how two totally different things can relate so closely. If you like animes where character grows as a character, this might be for you.

Grade: B

I wasn't a very good writer in the first place but I'm planning to write anime reviews and things again since I started watching anime again.

Until next time.